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Management Theories by Morgan, Fayol and Taylor Research Paper
The executives Theories by Morgan, Fayol and Taylor - Research Paper Example The Fourteen rules that have been set somewhere near Fayol a...
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Management Theories by Morgan, Fayol and Taylor Research Paper
The executives Theories by Morgan, Fayol and Taylor - Research Paper Example The Fourteen rules that have been set somewhere near Fayol are talked about in detail beneath: Specialization of Labor: Fayol’s first significant standard was focused on the specialization of work. This is a significant part of the executives and should be contemplated while overseeing individuals. This is a significant part of the executives. Specialization empowers ceaseless improvement in the abilities and includes the advancement of upgrades in techniques. This is extremely helpful for the organizations and gives the organization better-talented people, which thus improves efficiency. Authority: Authority assumes a significant job in the board and is fundamental in overseeing individuals. It centers around the option to provide requests and show authority. Offering power to an individual methods giving the individual the option to get things done. Likewise, an obligation regularly emerges where an individual is given the power. Control: The following perspective is discipline this for the most part manages guaranteeing there is no loosen, twisting of rules, and that all workers are dutiful and conscious in the association. It is fundamental that workers must obey and regard the principles that are common in the association. On the off chance that there is viable administration inside an association and a reasonable comprehension among the board and laborers with respect to the organization’s rules, the order will be at the ideal level. Solidarity of Command: Unity of order alludes to a circumstance where each worker has only one chief. This is fundamental to guarantee the board of the individuals isn't confounded between the requirements of various individuals at various time. This assumes a significant job as though every worker has only one chief, the representatives will be progressively gainful if the order is from one better than dodge any disarrays in the ultimate result. Solidarity of Direction: Unity of course is the following significant perspective in the 14 standards by Fayol. This is significant simply like the solidarity of order as though one individual leads the group, all the arranging is made by a solitary brain and the main is a lot easier since the colleagues need to work as indicated by the arrangement.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Preparing Your Kindergarten Writing Paper
Preparing Your Kindergarten Writing PaperIn the process of conducting kindergarten, the writing paper will be one of the key papers. It is a very important paper, since it will be one of the ways for the child to express his feelings in writing. A kindergarden writing paper is what most teachers will ask their students to prepare so that they will be able to get a proper idea on how the student has developed his writing skills.Since it is a very common practice, most kindergartens will prepare this paper for their students so that they will learn to express their thoughts with their own writing skills. Although the assignment is not very hard to accomplish, you still need to do some research on this writing paper so that you will be able to better understand what the child has to write about. There are certain things that will be different from one student to another. If you know how to read your student's thoughts and learn from them, then you will surely be able to do your job and do it well.There are several ways that you can do when it comes to your kindergarden writing paper. You can choose to have your student or you can ask him to make a writing paper for you. One of the easiest ways is to go to the library and look for some books that are related to the topic that the child is going to write about. Since most of the kindergartens have limited space, you will need to make sure that you are able to fit the entire required pages.Since there are many major topics that are considered as the same in different countries, they have to come up with different papers depending on the topic that they are dealing with. For example, you will find papers on science, mathematics, history, and culture. This means that you will need to prepare a lot of papers on different topics because you are not only dealing with one topic but several topics.In order to improve your child's writing skills, you need to ensure that you are able to give him the chance to express his opin ions in writing. They can use different genres or styles to express their thoughts. As long as you give them an opportunity to express themselves, they will surely be able to understand what they should write about. By doing this, they will be able to develop their writing skills and will be able to pass their writing papers to their classmates.You can follow these basic tips when it comes to preparing your kindergarden writing paper. Before you even do the research, it is very important that you will first write down the topics that you will be dealing with and the main theme of the essay. Once you know what kind of essay that you will be giving to your child, you will be able to plan your next step so that you will know how to proceed.You will need to determine the major topics of the essay as soon as possible because this will help you find out the topics that you should write about in your kindergarden writing paper. The best way is to read through some books or magazines that a re related to the topic that you are going to write about. Aside from that, you will also need to determine the title of the essay so that you will be able to find the right topic of the paper. Once you have all of this information, you will just need to contact the school in order to see if they are able to allow you to do the research that you need to do in order to write the essay.There are many other ways that you can do when it comes to preparing your kindergarden writing paper. Just be creative enough so that you will be able to create the best writing skills of your child.
Sunday, July 5, 2020
Concrete Poem Examples
Concrete Poem Examples Concrete Poem A concrete poem is a poem that is written so that the shape of the words on the page matches the subject of the poem. Sometimes, concrete poetry is called "shape" poetry. While the term concrete poem did not originate until the 1950s, poets as far back as ancient Greece were arranging words and letters on the page to enhance the meaning of the writing. Examples of Concrete Poem: Stairs I climb. Every day. A different priority. Slowly making progress toward success, success, success. No time to stop, to rest, to appreciate the small things around me-the air, the flowers, even the people I meet are standing in the way of the climb. From George Herbert's "Easter Wings" Lord, who createdest man in wealth and store, Though foolishly he lost the same, Decaying more and more, Till he became Most poore: With thee O let me rise As larks, harmoniously, And sing this day thy victories, Then shall the fall further the flight in me. Lewis Carroll's "The Mouse's Tale" appears in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: From Dylan Thomas' "Vision and Prayer" Who Are you Who is born In the next room So loud to my own That I can hear the womb Opening and the dark run Over the ghost and the dropped son Behind the wall thin as a wren's bone? In the birth bloody room unknown To the burn and turn of time And the heart print of man Bows no baptism But dark alone Blessing on The wild Child.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Common App Short Answer A Sample Response and Critique
At selective colleges that use the Common Application, youll often find a supplemental essay that asks something like this: Briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences. A college that asks this type of question has holistic admissions; that is, the college wants to get to know you as a whole person, not just as a list of grades and test scores. By asking you about one of your extracurricular activities, the college is giving you an opportunity to highlight a passion of yours that you didnt explore in your main Common Application essay The length limit for the essay will vary from school to school, but something in the 100- to 250-word range is typical. A Sample Short Answer Essay with Some Problems When you consider which extracurricular activity to explore in your response, keep in mind that it doesnt have to be a school-related activity. Doug chose to write about a lawn-mowing business that he founded. Heres his essay: My freshman year I founded Beat the Joneses, a lawn care company. I was a kid with a hand-pushed mower, a second-hand weed whacker, and a desire to build a successful and profitable company. Three years later, my company has four employees and Ive used the profits to buy a riding mower, two trimmers, two hand mowers and a trailer. This kind of success comes naturally to me. Im good at advertising locally and convincing my customers of the value of my services. I hope to use these skills in college as I earn my business degree. Business is my passion, and I hope to be even more financially successful after college. Critique of Dougs Short Answer Response What Doug has accomplished is impressive. Most college applicants havent started their own business and hired employees. Doug does seem to have a true knack for business as he grew his company and reinvested in his lawn care equipment. A college business program would probably have a favorable impression Dougs accomplishments. Dougs short answer response, however, has makes some common short answer mistakes. The most significant issue is that Doug comes off sounding like a braggart and an egotist. The phrase this kind of success comes naturally to me is likely to rub the admissions officers the wrong way. Doug sounds full of himself. While a college wants confident students, it doesnt want obnoxious ones. The tone of the essay would be much more effective if Doug let his accomplishments speak for themselves rather than showering himself with self-praise. Also, presumably students go to business school in order to develop their knowledge base and skill set. Doug, however, comes across as someone who doesnt think he has much to learn in college. Why exactly does he want to go to college if he already thinks he has all the skills he needs to run a business? Here again, Dougs tone is off. Rather than looking forward to expanding his education to make him a better business owner, Doug sounds as if he already knows everything, and hes simply looking for a diploma to increase his marketability. The overall message that we get from Dougs essay is that the writer is someone who thinks very highly of himself and likes to make money. If Doug has any ambitions more noble than profit, he hasnt made those goals clear in his supplemental short answer response. Put yourself in the shoes of the folks working in the admissions office. You want to admit students who will make campus a better place. You want students who will be enriched by their college experience, flourish in the classroom, and contribute to campus life in positive ways. Doug does not sound like someone who will be a charitable and contributing member of a campus community. Colleges hear all too frequently that students want to attend so that they can get a great job and make money. However, if students have no passion for learning and participating in college life, the road to that degree will be fraught with problems. Dougs short answer doesnt succeed in explaining the connection between his lawn care company and his desire to spend four years of his life studying business. A Final Word About Short Answer Supplemental Essays Dougs short essay could be excellent with some revision and a shift in the tone. A winning short answer essay will reveal a bit more humility, generosity of spirit, and self-awareness. Whether youre writing an essay about your love of running or your job at Burger King, you need to keep your audience in mind and remember the purpose of the essay: you want to show that youve participated in a meaningful extracurricular activity or work experience that has made you grow and mature.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Should College Be Free College - 1688 Words
How could it possibly be squeezed into the government’s budget? Do they have a secret fund for things like this, or would taxes increase to cover the costs? Free college is now brought up as a debate whether or not students should receive free college tuition while attending college. Some individuals would like this idea, but I am definite the taxpayers would not like it or support it. If the government cannot afford what they are in debt with now, I am quiet uncertain how adding free college would help the debt go down. I am sure that the government would find some way to get their money back from allowing free tuition, or twice the amount the payed by increasing taxes on everything from taxpayers to sales tax. Although it would be extremely pleasant to have free tuition, the tax increase would most likely hurt the taxpayers worse than paying college tuition. I am very much so against providing free college to everyone that graduates high school. Free college would be setting the government up to continue in recession. My biggest concern about offering free college, is how the students who already have student loans be forgiven for the loan amount and have free tuition and debt free as everyone else would be. While more people would have reliable jobs, college should not be free to society because the government budget could not stretch to allow it, more people would take advantage of college because it is free, and taxes would raise on the population. Most people areShow MoreRelatedShould College Be Free College?848 Words  | 4 Pages Free College Why are not more people going to college? One obvious answer would be cost, especially the cost of tuition. But the problem is not just that college is expensive. It is also that going to college is complicated. Free college is not just about cultural and social, neither economic. It means navigating advanced courses, standardized tests, and forms. It means figuring out implicit rules-rules that can change. College graduates have higher employment ratesRead MoreShould College Be Free College?1614 Words  | 7 Pagescandidates because of his belief that tuition and cost of living at public colleges and universities should be free. Free college has become one of the most talked about policy proposals on the campaign trail, but questions surround the policy, such as how it would work, how much it would cost and how it would affect students (Rhatican). Most colleges bundle their prices in terms of tuition and fees. In 1995, tuition for private colleges was around 14k, for Public out of state it was around 7k and for publicRead MoreShould College Be Free? Essay1520 Words  | 7 PagesShould college be free? A current universal problem poses this question. In today’s world, full of public education standards that hold students maybe too high and in a generation bogged down by student debt, this issue qualifies as a problem more than many are maybe even willing to admit. While the prospect of free college proposes excellent ideals such as a stronger and smarter generation, no student loan problems, and a higher educated society, the truth may actually lie in the reality thatRead MoreCollege Should Not Be Free876 Words  | 4 Pagesmake public college tuition free. A recent movement to federally mandate college funding has struck the interest of the lower, impoverished members of society. However, if college tuition were free it would be unfair, unregulated, and cost-ineffective in the long run. What does free really mean? Does it include just tuition, or room, board and books? Also, would it be completely free? Someone has to pay something somewhere down the line. There is no way to make college completely free. It would beRead MoreShould Colleges Be Free? Essay1186 Words  | 5 PagesShould colleges be free in America? It is a question that is more relevant today than ever before. As education is one key factor that determines the nation’s fate going forward, this question is worth debating. Making free college education may sound good theoretically but requires herculean efforts to make it practically possible. The main question is whether such program be effective in the long run or not? If, yes how long will the government able to support these costs and from where? Are tuitionRead MoreShould College Be Free?893 Words  | 4 Pagesor not college should be free. Images of students rallying and protesting can be often seen in the news. They are in favor of making college free. I disagree and feel that college should not be free. People would be more likely to fail because there would be no financial consequence, the financial burden would be passed on to taxpayers who wouldn’t even benefit from it, and it would not be fair to those who work hard through earning scholarships and serving in the military. College should not beRead MoreCollege Should Be Free759 Words  | 3 Pages Should the cost of earning a college degree be free? Some students,parents, and educators say that it is morally wrong for a child to spend their entire life going to public school for free and having them to just turn around and pay for college. The students, parents, and educators all would agree that the cost of obtaining a college degree should indeed be free. Those who are against this issue believe that the students themselves or their parents who are financially able should pay for someRead MoreShould College Be Free844 Words  | 4 PagesShould college be free? Posted on May 8, 2011 by writefix Should college education be free, or should university students be required to pay tuition fees? Some countries have free education from kindergarten to university, while students in other countries have to pay at every step of the way. This essay will look at some of the reasons for this difference at university level. Free third level education has several advantages. First of all, everyone can attend, so the gap between rich and poorRead MoreShould College Be Free?1907 Words  | 8 PagesShould College Be â€Å"Free†in America? As many young millennials rally behind Bernie Sanders and his outlandish claims of free public college for all, others sigh and shake their heads in disapproval. Are these college students really entitled to free higher education? Is it every American’s unalienable right to have a college education? Despite the recent push for free college in the United States, the economic burden and drop in personal responsibility it would create proves that colleges shouldRead MoreShould College Be Free?1916 Words  | 8 Pagesthroats since elementary, I am planning to attend college. My sisters and I being the first generation in our family to attend college, everything is a little scarier. Nothing scared me more than seeing the cost of the tuition. My parents dropped out of college after one year because they didn’t put the work in to get scholarships, and tuition was too much. My oldest sister is in her third year of college and is already planning to come out of college w ith $70,000 debt, because she is in a private school
Duopoly Structure in Telecommunication Industry-Myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Oligopoly, Monopoly and Duopoly in Australia. Answer: Introduction There are different forms of market exists in an economy. The most simplistic form of market is perfectly competitive market. In real world, perfect competition is not observed. Imperfectly competitive markets dominate the economy. Monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition, duopoly are some common form of imperfectly competitive market. Rail, Communication industry are examples of monopoly market. In these markets generally one single seller dominates the entire market. The structure of telecommunication industry in Australia is monopoly in nature. Previously Telstra was well known as the monopolist in the industry. However, with increasing number of consumer subscribed to Optus services, there is high chance that industry structure takes the form of a duopoly market. Essence of the Story In a recent article published on The Sydney Moring Herald Chief executive of Singtel-Optus revealed how their company in almost in line with Telstra and increases their market share at a rapid space. There are already a duopoly structure prevailing in the Australian airline industry and Supermarkets. In the supermarket structure, Woolworths and Coles are two major players. Virgin Australia and Qantas are two dominating players in airlines business. In Australia Telstra was in monopoly position for a long period. Optus challenge the monopoly position of Telstra ( 2017). It is the second placeholder in the telecommunication industry. By continuously downing its price and introducing attractive offers, it is now successful in increasing the number of subscriber and competes with Telstra. More than 80% customers in mobile industry and 60% subscribers using fixed internet prefers either Optus or Telstra services. For Singtel-Optus to become the second largest mobile or internet operators in telecommunication industry, the share of Vodafone Hutchison Australia needs to be reduced. In the telecom industry, TPG Telecom is trying to become a leading brand in the industry. It buys iiNet at the worth of $1.56 billion to leave Optus behind and takes the second place instead ( 2017). However, Optus executive is quite satisfied with their marketing strategy and confident about holding the large pool of subscribers. Market data reveals that Vodafone customers are very sensitive to price change and prefer to switch their subscription in case any type of dissatisfaction. Telstra provides high quality services and thus seems as a reliable service provider. Vodafone customers often suffer with interrupted connection because of inferior network. To cover this, the company often offers big discount. Economic theories and concepts Monopoly In a monopoly market there is a single seller selling a product that does not have any close substitute. Monopoly market offers the seller huge market power. Being a single seller in the market, the monopolist has complete control over the price and quantity supplied in the market (Dunne et al. 2013). In fact, in the monopoly market a small amount of good is supplied at a high price as compared to a competitive market. In order to have a monopoly position the producer needs to sell some unique good or services, has a control over some strategic input that enables him to produce better quality goods or services. In Australian telecommunication industry, Telstra acquired a monopoly position with offering a better quality services as compared to other service providers (Frank 2014) Other service providers like Optus, Vodafone fail to provide similar quality price at the same price. Oligopoly Oligopoly is one form of concentrated market. Here, market share is concentrated in the hands of few large sellers. The strategy of the sellers is related with each other. If one seller reduces price of the product then it is likely that other will do the same (Waldman and Jensen 2016). This is termed as price war among the sellers. In the price war, powerful producers usually win over others because of their ability to continue production even at a very low price. In order to eliminate rival the strategy of price war is often seen in this industry. Telstra, Optus, Vodafone and TPG telecom are some leading service providers in Australian telecom industry (Williams 2016). Though lion share in the industry are captured by Telstra Optus and TPG telecom are making effort to break the monopoly of Telstra. They are trying to improve their service quality and offers big discount to attract customers. Duopoly Duopoly is a special form of oligopoly. In this form of market, there are only two large players. In the duopoly, market concentration is higher than that in the oligopoly. Because of high concentration, they sometimes enjoy monopoly like power (Howell 2014). Singtel-Optus is improving its service both in mobile networks and internet services. Therefore, there is high chance of having a telecommunication duopoly in Australia. Recommendation Telecom service providers should look after all the service needs of their customers. Providing them a steady network connection is the responsibility of the providers. Telstra in Australia is known for providing the best networks. However, recently there were network outage problem occurred (Nicholls 2016). The company has fixed the problem but this hampered their good will. The company should take the matter seriously and ensure a stable connectivity to regain its fame. In order to compete with Telstra Optus should improve its quality of services. Offering low price is not enough to ensure a large share in the market. In telecom industry customers values quality services more than low price. High quality optic fibers should be used to provide an uninterrupted service. Conclusion The article that has been evaluated gives a clear indication about formation of a duopoly structure in telecommunication industry in Australia. If this happens, then this industry will be the third one having a duopoly structure, next after Australian supermarkets and airline business. The monopoly phase of Telstra is moving to an end with faster growth of Singtel- Optus. Both the companies are trying to improve their service to attract more customers. They are leaving behind other big players like Vodafone, TPG telecom and others. Still Optus needs some improvement in its service quality to fully compete or replace Telstra References Dunne, T., Klimek, S.D., Roberts, M.J. and Xu, D.Y., 2013. Entry, exit, and the determinants of market structure.The RAND Journal of Economics,44(3), pp.462-487. Frank, R., 2014.Microeconomics and behavior. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Howell, B., 2014. Structural Separation and Technological Diffusion. Nicholls, R., 2016. The Australian telecommunications regulatory environment.Australian Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy,4(4), p.196. Optus chief predicts telecommunications duopoly with Telstra. [online] The Sydney Morning Herald. Available at: [Accessed 10 Aug. 2017]. Telstra, you are an absolute joke. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Aug. 2017]. Waldman, D. and Jensen, E., 2016.Industrial organization: theory and practice. Routledge. Williams, J., 2016. Economic insights on market structure and competition.Addiction,111(12), pp.2094-2095.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Multicultural Counseling Competence and Training Survey (1) Essays
Multicultural Counseling Competence and Training Survey-Revised Not competent (Not able to perform at this time) Somewhat competent (More training needed) Competent (Able to perform competently) Extremely competent (Able to perform at a high level) 1. My ability to discuss my own ethnic/cultural heritage. 2. My ability to be aware of how my cultural background and experiences have influenced my attitudes about psychological processes. 3. My ability to discuss how my culture has influenced the way I think. 4. My ability to recognize when my attitudes, beliefs, and values are interfering with providing the best services to my students. 5. My ability to verbally communicate my acceptance of students from a culture different from mine. 6. My ability to communicate nonverbally my acceptance of culturally different students. 7. My ability to discuss my family's perspective regarding acceptable and non-acceptable codes-of-conduct. 8. My ability to discuss models of White Racial Identity Development. 9. My ability to define racism. 10. My ability to define prejudice. 11. My ability to define discrimination. 12. My ability to define stereotype. 13. My ability to identify the cultural bases of my communication style. 14. My ability to identify my negative and positive emotional reactions toward persons of other racial and ethnic groups. 15. My ability to identify my reactions that are based on stereotypical beliefs about different ethnic groups. 16. My ability to give examples of how stereotypical beliefs about culturally different persons impact thecounseling relationship. 17. My ability to articulate the possible differences between the nonverbal behavior of the five major ethnic groups(i.e., African/Black, Hispanic/Latino, Asian, NativeAmerican, European/White). 18. My ability to articulate the possible differences between the verbal behavior of the five major ethnic groups. 19. My ability to discuss the counseling implications for at least two models of racial/ethnic identity development. 20. My ability to discuss within-group differences among ethnic groups (e.g., low SES Puerto Rican student vs. highSES Puerto Rican student). 21. My ability to discuss how culture affects a student's vocational choices. 22. My ability to discuss how culture affects the help-seeking behaviors of students. 23. My ability to discuss how culture affects the manifestations of psychological disorders. 24. My ability to describe the degree to which a counseling approach is appropriate for a specific group of people. 25. My ability to explain how factors such as poverty, and powerlessness have influenced the current conditions of at least two ethnic groups. 26. My ability to discuss research regarding mental health issues among culturally/ethnically different populations. 27. My ability to discuss how the counseling process may conflict with the cultural values of at least two ethnic groups. 28. My ability to list at least three barriers that prevent ethnic minority students from using counseling services. 29. My ability to discuss the potential bias of two assessment instruments frequently used in the schools. 30. My ability to anticipate when my helping style is inappropriate for a culturally different student.
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